Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #876
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #875
An improvement for the Anonymous Participation feature has been released, allowing discussion admins to see the non-anonymized names of participants, in addition to improving usability of the feature.
Release Notes #874
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #873
Minor usability improvements have been released.
Release Notes #872
Minor usability improvements have been released.
Release Notes #872
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #871
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #870
An upgraded search feature on Kialo Edu has been released. Search results are now more intuitive and meaningful for the user, in addition to showing results for discussions or claims which have been visited in the past.
QR codes have been added and can now be generated for discussion and team invite links.
Additionally, minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #869
A couple of usability improvements have been released.
Release Notes #868
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #867
Some minor styling issues have been fixed.
Release Notes #866
A couple of usability improvements have been released.
Release Notes #865
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #864
Countless minor fixes and improvements.
Release Notes #863
We have improved the way in which the team-picker search functions to improve performance, provide more relevancy and make the results more intuitive for the user.
Release Notes #862
The Anonymous Participation feature has been released. This feature allows educators to anonymize discussions so that participant’s identities are instead given a placeholder name, while the true identity/user can still be seen by the educator.
For more details on this new feature, please visit our Help Center article regarding Anonymous Discussions.
Release Notes #860
The profile preview has been revised as part of a larger coming change in how names/profiles are displayed on Kialo. Additionally, compatibility with touch devices has also been introduced to the profile preview with this release.
Release Notes #858
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #857
The Create Discussion Wizard has been restructured to make the discussion creation process simpler and allow advanced users to skip steps they know aren’t relevant to the discussion being created.
Additionally, there have been some minor styling changes and improvements that have been released.