
Kialo’s comprehensive release history.

Release Notes #852

  • Discussion and team invitations have been reworked to include a reason on the alert card shown in the Overview and Respond tabs and not just in the email invite, adding context to the invitations on Kialo directly.

Release Notes #851

  • With the latest release, we have updated the colorset for Kialo to make it more accessible and comply with WCAG 2.1 level AA guidelines. This means that readability has been improved site-wide and all elements have sufficient contrast, meeting industry standards.
  • Additionally, more variations for default avatars have been introduced.

Release Notes #848

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #847

  • A minor improvement has been released, simplifying the deletion of teams and making it easier to delete multiple teams in sequence.
  • Now, when pasting a URL with text selected, a link will automatically be generated using the selected text and pointing to the desired URL.

Release Notes #846

  • A minor improvement to the voting drawer has been released, making it usable with a keyboard and not just a mouse click.

Release Notes #845

  • An issue with a page sometimes freezing after opening a specific claim has been fixed.

Release Notes #844

  • A new version of the mention picker (when opened either through the context menu or using ‘@’) has been released which fixes stylistic issues with long comments or when using a mobile device.
  • An issue which caused an incorrect error message to sometimes be displayed when using the OAuth signup form has been fixed.

Release Notes #843

  • Previously, if a user was invited to a discussion and the invite link landed in spam/was not seen but the user registered on Kialo directly not using the invitation link, the invitation was not visible to the user and remained unresolved. This workflow has been improved.

Release Notes #842

  • Countless minor fixes and improvements.

Release Notes #841

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #840

  • Some minor styling issues have been fixed.

Release Notes #839

  • In the past, when entering text for a quote when adding a link to a claim, the text editor behaved differently when compared to other text entry fields on Kialo. This has been improved for consistency with this release.

Release Notes #838

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #837

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #836

  • An improvement has been made to the team invite wizard, providing an overview of teams/accounts that have been selected for an invitation.
  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #835

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #834

A new dialog for inviting users to discussions and teams has been released, as a part of a larger initiative to reinvigorate Kialo’s user invite interfaces.

Release Notes #833

  • Twitter integration has been removed from Kialo, meaning that signup and login with Twitter is no longer possible.

Release Notes #832

  • A legacy system used for inviting users to participate in discussions has been removed.
  • A couple of usability improvements have been released.

Release Notes #831

  • The login and sign up dialogs have been revamped with an improved user experience.
  • A minor visual improvement has also been rolled out with this release, making the discussion card menu overlay more visually appealing.
  • A minor isue with sidebar content not properly displayed has been fixed.