
Kialo’s comprehensive release history.

Release Notes #694

  • Kialo is now available in Spanish.
  • The styling of choice impact has been improved.

Release Notes #691

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #690

  • Some minor styling issues have been fixed.

Release Notes #686

  • New settings for opting out of suggestion notification emails have been added.
  • When navigating up in the column interface, users will now be positioned so that the previously selected claim is visible.

Release Notes #682

  • Minor Bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #677

  • When inviting a team to a discussion and multiple invite emails cannot be delivered, only a single notification toast will be displayed.

Release Notes #675

  • An improved minimap design has been released.

Release Notes #673

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #671

  • Screen reader compatibility has been improved.
  • An important new capability to improve the translating of the Kialo interface to other languages has been released.

Release Notes #666

  • LTI integration has been removed from Kialo as educators didn’t derive enough benefits from it.

Release Notes #665

  • A new visual design of the Discussion Change and Activity Lists has been released.

Release Notes #663

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #661

  • Screen reader compatibility has been improved.

Release Notes #660

  • Team Statistics have been released. They display individual team member statistics for each team discussion.

Release Note #659

  • Kialo embed’s control buttons will now appear on top of dialogs.

Release Notes #657

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #654

  • Email bounce notifications will now show the reason an email bounced.

Release Notes #653

  • Embedded Kialos, when viewed on mobile devices, will now display a navigation bar at the bottom.

Release Notes #652

  • Users will now see a notification toast when discussion and team invite emails to existing Kialo users cannot be delivered.
  • Immediate email notifications will not be sent to users anymore, when they are online and viewing the discussion.
  • The Claim editor will now always be focused when adding a new claim.
  • Sometimes the mention picker displayed individual accounts more than once, this has been fixed.
  • Clicking outside of the details drawer of a claim would collapse the drawer and scroll to the top of the discussion, this has been fixed.

Release Notes #649

  • A banner introducing our two Kialo sites will be shown once.
  • Searching the invited users list has been redesigned.
  • Email address verification when using Oauth logins has been improved.
  • Some minor issues with links to the Activity sidebar have been fixed.