
Kialo’s comprehensive release history.

Release Notes #1070

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • The “My Tasks” feature has been upated so that users are better informed when tasks are assigned or updated, as in the previous versions it was less obvious or required users to close and re-open the sidebar.

Release Notes #1068

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • New animations have been added for when a user moves a claim to a new position.
  • User avatars and the context menu from the avatar have been added to mobile devices.
  • The Create Discussion Wizard workflow has also been updated with improved focus for a better user experience.

Release Notes #1067

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • The site banners for Kialo have been updated and simplified with the latest release.

Release Notes #1066

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • The discussion menu has been cleaned up for mobile devices and some elements have been made more discreet for an improved user experience.

Release Notes #1065

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #1064

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • The behavior of Kialo when embedded has been changed so that a new tab is opened when performing certain actions, such as added to a claim, to better manage cookie support with certain browsers.

Release Notes #1063

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Some additional, minor animation issues that were found to be occuring when performing certain actions when navigating claims have been fixed.

Release Notes #1062

New Features and Functionalities

  • A new section has been added to Kialo Edu – Integrations. With the integrations section, it has been made easier to see what integrations, such as Moodle and LTI, are supported by Kialo Edu. The new section can be found in the “Sharing” tab in the discussion settings.

Release Notes #1061

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • A strange animation issue where certain navigation through discussions was causing a scroll snapping issue on mobile devices has been fixed.

Release Notes #1060

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • A minor issue making deleting some claims sometimes difficult on Android mobile devices has been fixed.
  • The odering of participants in the participant picker was not necessarily always alphabetical when taking special characters into account. This has been fixed.
  • A small technical issue with the grading sidebar has been fixed.

Release Notes #1059

New Features and Functionalities

  • With the latest release, there has been an overhaul of many visual elements and features. Over time, numerous features and interfaces have been added to the platform. In order to help tidy up the UI and make it more visually appealing, as well as making it more user-friendly, the latest release makes the user experience less overwhelming and more straightforward.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Some minor changes have been made to the logic for username creation and selection when creating a new user.

Release Notes #1057

Bugs Fixes and Improvements

  • New discussion languages have been added to inlcude Irish, Latvian and Maltese.
  • The invitation wizard to invite teams to discussion was incorrectly positioned when first opened. This has been fixed.
  • An issue with notifications repeatedly appearing when switching between login and signup has been fixed.

Release Notes #1054

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • The topic discussion library has been updated to only feature English topics as the default selection. In the future, supported languages will display the topic discussion library in the users selected language in the user settings.

Release Notes #1053

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • A minor visual issue with text being not correctly placed in an information dialog for cloning discussions has been fixed.
  • An issue with Google Classroom picker behaving incorrectly when classrooms had different length names has been fixed.

Release Notes #1051

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • A couple of usability improvements have been released.

Release Notes #1049

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Android users appeared to be logged out when visiting Kialo via Google search results, even though the user was logged in. This issue has been fixed.

Release Notes #1048

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Language codes have been introduced into Kialo URLs to make it more clear to users what language they currently have selected in their user settings.

Release Notes #1046

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • A minor issue with images still being loaded after a user has already begun scrolling through page content causing the page to return to the top has been fixed.

Release Notes #1042

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Some minor styling issues have been fixed.

Release Notes #1039

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Some minor, browser-specific issues occurring with embedded instances of Kialo have been fixed.
  • An unexpected scrollbar has been removed from the team portal page.