
Kialo’s comprehensive release history.

Release Notes #985

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Some minor issues with input fields not correctly being focused in various situations has been fixed.
  • An error with displayed usernames being cut short has been fixed.
  • The “all tasks completed” and confetti animation for when all tasks have been completed has had a slight delay added so that it appears less abruptly.

Release Notes #984

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Very minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #983

Bugs Fixes and Improvements

  • An issue with the input field for Safari two-factor authentication fields not being properly focused has been fixed.
  • A small hiccup with jumping when navigating claims has been fixed.
  • A new thesis color scheme has been introduced for colorblind mode.
  • Additional changes and fixes have been added for the experimental sunburst feature, including the addition of tooltips, improved panning, and improved pinching to zoom.

Release Notes #982

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • An issue with the discussion page periodically flashing when a user changed their language settings has been fixed.
  • Numerous small changes and fixes have been made to the new sunburst feature, including increased zoom range, improved scaling and a claim marker redesign.

Release Notes #981

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • A small error with spinners on claim cards being cut off has been fixed.

Release Notes #980

User Stories and Features

  • A new, experimental feature bringing the sunburst minimap, currently seen on the discussion info dialog, to the discussion page itself has been released. Users now have the option to enable this feature via the user settings. Enabling this setting will replace the discussion tree seen in discussions with the navigable sunburst minimap.
  • The teams feature has also been improved in regards to functionality when teams are owned by users that are deleted.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • It is now easier to edit claims on EDU with the new improvements to the workflow.

Release Notes #979

Bugs Fixes and Improvements

  • A minor bug regarding a typo in the “All tasks completed” toast has been fixed.
  • Minor changes have been made to some translation strings for improved comprehension.
  • The error message for invalid login credentials has been improved.

User Stories and Features

  • Screen Readers claim announcements have been improved in order to comply with WCAG 2.1 accessibility guidelines.

Release Notes #978

Bugs Fixes and Improvements

  • Perspectives will no longer be displayed unless voting is currently enabled or votes have already been made in the discussion.

Release Notes #977

Bugs Fixes and Improvements

  • A bug fix has been released to fix an issue with icon colors in older versions of Chrome.

Release Notes #976

Bugs Fixes and Improvements

  • A bug fix has been released to fix an issue with all icons on Kialo showing up black instead of the intended color for Firefox users.

Release Notes #975

User Stories and Features

  • The “+” menu button on the content editor feature has had its’ location changed to make it more closely associated with the text that is being written.
  • A new language sidebar has been added in which users can change their language preferences. Previously, the access to these preferences was located in the footer, but footer has since been changed and therefore, a new location was needed for the language preferences.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • A small pop-up toast has been added to inform a user when all tasks have been completed.

Release Notes #973

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • An issue with certain menu elements being cut off on mobile devices has been fixed.
  • The functionality of the sidebar has been updated on private discussions with the sidebar not opening by default when opening a discussion. This is because the sidebar, particularly when empty, seemed more distracting for users than helpful when participants of the private discussion already know where they are contributing.
  • Additionally, some minor dialog changes have been made.

Release Notes #972

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • An issue with special characters causing discussion titles and thesis to no longer sync with one another has been resolved.
  • A minor bug with discussion export failing when the root claim text was left empty has been fixed.
  • The “Show Comments” checkbox functionality has been improved so that the comment editor no longer collapses along with the comments when checking this box. Now, the change history is more clearly displayed and “noise” has been reduced for the user.
  • The “Thanks” feature with hearts has been changed so that it can be disabled in a discussion. Previously, this led to some confusion with users mistaking “Thanks” with likes and, therefore, upvotes on claims.

Release Notes #971

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • The discussion info icon has been updated with new colors.
  • A missing field error has been fixed in the invite user dialog.
  • An unpleasant reset of highlighted items in the participant picker without user input has been fixed.
  • Some formatting issues with multiple, small screens on mobile have been fixed.

Release Notes #970

User Stories and Features

  • With this release, sidebar and modal navigation has been improved. When performing the “back” action on a mobile device or browser, users will now return to the previous view rather than returning to the previous navigation point, which is the current behavior. This is more intuitive and less confusing, particularly for mobile users with certain views being full screen on the mobile platform.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • For teacher feedback in claims, there has been a visual improvement made to make the feedback icon better aligned within the claim card.
  • Icons for perspective sort and edit have been made more consistent.
  • On mobile, the Sunburst icon for discussions was previously aligned too close to the edge of the screen and has been fixed with this release.
  • Previously, when opening a user profile from a discussion, there was a close button missing. This has been fixed.

Release Notes #969

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • The “Reset Task Progress” button is now properly disabled for those users without proper permissions.
  • The discussion menu items have been reordered for a more intuitive list for users.
  • The icon for “Show Archived Claims” has been updated to be more aesthetically pleasing.

Release Notes #968

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • A minor bug where the “Following” section was displayed on the templates page has been fixed.

Release Notes #967

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Discussion views were being discarded when cleaning a discussion. This has been fixed.
  • Headers in the discussion column view are now properly centered.
  • Username input is now focused on the signup and login dialogs/pages to help streamline the signup/login process.

Release Notes #966

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • The “My Tasks/Task Details” sidebar has been updated to match recent task settings changes.
  • Task recounting has been simplified.
  • The claim editor now features an info box above it, to add context when entering input to the respective fields.

Release Notes #965

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • A minor formatting issue with the bottom of/about page being cut off has been fixed.
  • The following discussion state was incorrectly displayed when navigating a public discussion and has been fixed.