Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #941
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #940
Countless minor fixes and improvements.
Release Notes #938
A lot of old minor and aesthetic issues have been resolved.
Additionally, a couple of usability improvements have been released.
Release Notes #937
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #936
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #935
Countless minor fixes and improvements.
Release Notes #934
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #933
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #932
In order to help users identify each other better but give users flexibility with their profiles, a new feature has been released for Kialo Edu. Now, users’ email addresses will be displayed in various locations, such as their profile preview tooltip, contact list, mention picker, etc. Users can choose whether or not they would like to have their email address displayed or not by toggling this feature on or off.
Release Notes #931
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #930
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #929
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #928
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #927
Some minor styling issues have been fixed.
Additionally, a couple of usability improvements have been released.
Release Notes #926
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #925
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #924
Minor bug fixes and UI improvements have been released.
Release Notes #923
Minor bug fixes and UI improvements have been released.
Release Notes #922
A new feature has been added with this release, which allows moderators to clean a discussion before turning it into a template. This keeps our templates looking like fresh discussions without changes, comments, etc.
Additionally, this release included numerous usability and performance improvements.