Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #919
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #918
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #917
User and display name changes will now be seen without having to refresh or navigate into the discussion again.
A new section has been added to the “My Kialo” navigation page that displays all discussions that are relevant to the user, including those that the user was explicitly invited to but never visited.
Release Notes #916
With this release, educators can have students participate in disussions without first having to create an account via the new “Instant Access” mode for discussions. When enabled, a user who is not logged in can access a discussion via an invitation and have an account automatically created for them.
Also introduced with the latest release is a new feature that allows educators to create teams directly from Google Classrooms rather than creating the team first and importing afterwards.
In addition to the two new features, numerous improvements and bug fixes were also released.
Release Notes #915
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #914
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #913
With the latest release, when a user completes a given task within a discussion, a notification and a small “confetti” animation will appear to celebrate the achievement.
Release Notes #912
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #911
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #910
Countless minor fixes and improvements.
Release Notes #909
Countless minor fixes and improvements.
Release Notes #908
With the latest release, educators utilizing Kialo Edu will be able to create new discussions from a selection of curated templates. These templates cover a variety of topics and include some starter claims to make it easy to dive right in.
Additionally, a lot of old minor and aesthetic issues have been resolved
Release Notes #907
Countless minor fixes and improvements.
Release Notes #906
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #905
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released, in addition to several usability improvements.
Release Notes #904
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #903
Countless minor fixes and improvements.
Release Notes #902
With this latest release, discussion invites sent from anonymous discussions will now show the actual account profile of the inviter, rather than the anonymous identity, so that discussion admins can avoid deanonymizing their discussion identity when inviting others to their discussion.
Additionally, a couple of usability improvements have been released.