Toasts signalling when users have exhausted or get close to exhausting their suggestion quota have been deployed.
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #513
Users can now look up some basic stats on their user profiles. (Click on the avatar and select ‘My Profile’)
Kialo Internet Explorer 11 support has been removed.
Mentioned users in comments weren’t bold anymore. This has been fixed.
Screen reader compatibility has been improved.
Button labels in the suggested comment admin interface, have been clarified.
Changes to claims that happen after a user’s first visit, will now also be correctly shown on the claims themselves, not only in the discussion change list.
Release Notes #512
Removing oneself and teams from archived discussions is now possible.
Improved some email wording.
Added help center link to suggestion limit toast.
Multiple screen reader compatibility improvements have been deployed.
Increased some touch targets for the mobile Kialo page.
Claims’ comments and changes are now better visually differentiated. Also fixed some text contrasts issues.
Team portals now have a nicer default background. That is, if you like blue.
Clarified the wording of suggested comment admin buttons.
Screen reader compatibility has been improved.
Improved a bit of text in Kialo emails.
Fixed some minor visual bugs.
Release Notes #510
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #509
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #508
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #507
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #506
Screen reader compatibility has been improved.
Release Notes #505
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #504
Some discussion chat messages were not always loaded, this has been fixed.
Release Notes #502
The Top Contributors (suggestions, claims and comments written, edited, moved) of public discussions in the last seven days are now listed on the Explore page.
Release Notes #499
Claim selection (=navigation) in debates with more than 1000 claims has been optimized and is now 5x quicker.
When using Chrome on mobile devices, the chat input field would sometimes be bigger than intended. This has been fixed.
Screen reader compatibility has been improved.
Release Notes #496
The “Mark for Review” claim tab has been redesigned.
Screen reader compatibility has been improved.
Release Notes #495
“Hide Parent” in the Claim Menu has been removed.
Screen reader compatibility has been improved.
Release Notes #494
Users who were not logged in to Kialo and clicked the link in team invite emails were not able to join the teams correctly. This has been fixed.
Release Notes #493
Team Admins will now be able to downgrade their team’s permissions or remove their team from a debate. Previously, this could only be done by users with Admin rights in the debate.
Release Notes #492
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.
Release Notes #491
A minor issue related to inter-discussion linking of multi-thesis discussions has been fixed.
‘Marked for review’ links to discussions are now listed correctly when searching for “marked:true”.
Private discussions and teams that you have already joined can now be accessed via invite links even if “Allow others to invite me to discussions and teams using my email or invite links” has been disabled in user settings.
The discussion info icon has been moved from the thesis to the top left of the discussion and has been given some color to make it easier to discover.