New Features

A log of all new feature releases.

Release Notes #980

User Stories and Features

  • A new, experimental feature bringing the sunburst minimap, currently seen on the discussion info dialog, to the discussion page itself has been released. Users now have the option to enable this feature via the user settings. Enabling this setting will replace the discussion tree seen in discussions with the navigable sunburst minimap.
  • The teams feature has also been improved in regards to functionality when teams are owned by users that are deleted.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • It is now easier to edit claims on EDU with the new improvements to the workflow.

Release Notes #960

  • A major update for the Create Discussion Wizard has been released, making the creation of discussion a more streamlined experience, with the layout and navigation having been optimized.
  • A new feature, Custom Defaults, has been introduced for the Create Discussion Wizard, allowing users to define their own discussion setting defaults and save them for future discussion creations.
  • Additionally, countless minor fixes and improvements have been released.

Release Notes #952

  • An improvement has been released for the Instant Access feature, in which it has now been made possible to utilitize Instant Access in multiple discussions at the same time, with an improved user experience as well.
  • Additionally, minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #948

  • The invitation workflow has been streamlined for educators with a new feature, allowing them to invite students via Google Classroom to participate in discussions.
  • Additionally, a number of usability and accessibility improvements have been introduced.

Release Notes #932

  • In order to help users identify each other better but give users flexibility with their profiles, a new feature has been released for Kialo Edu. Now, users’ email addresses will be displayed in various locations, such as their profile preview tooltip, contact list, mention picker, etc. Users can choose whether or not they would like to have their email address displayed or not by toggling this feature on or off.

Release Notes #922

  • A new feature has been added with this release, which allows moderators to clean a discussion before turning it into a template. This keeps our templates looking like fresh discussions without changes, comments, etc.
  • Additionally, this release included numerous usability and performance improvements.

Release Notes #917

  • User and display name changes will now be seen without having to refresh or navigate into the discussion again.
  • A new section has been added to the “My Kialo” navigation page that displays all discussions that are relevant to the user, including those that the user was explicitly invited to but never visited.

Release Notes #916

  • With this release, educators can have students participate in disussions without first having to create an account via the new “Instant Access” mode for discussions. When enabled, a user who is not logged in can access a discussion via an invitation and have an account automatically created for them.
  • Also introduced with the latest release is a new feature that allows educators to create teams directly from Google Classrooms rather than creating the team first and importing afterwards.
  • In addition to the two new features, numerous improvements and bug fixes were also released.

Release Notes #908

  • With the latest release, educators utilizing Kialo Edu will be able to create new discussions from a selection of curated templates. These templates cover a variety of topics and include some starter claims to make it easy to dive right in.
  • Additionally, a lot of old minor and aesthetic issues have been resolved

Release Notes #902

  • With this latest release, discussion invites sent from anonymous discussions will now show the actual account profile of the inviter, rather than the anonymous identity, so that discussion admins can avoid deanonymizing their discussion identity when inviting others to their discussion.
  • Additionally, a couple of usability improvements have been released.

Release Notes #898

  • With the latest release, Kialo Edu is now an official Clever application partner, meaning that students and institutions utilizing this service can now use this SSO login to access Kialo Edu as well.
  • Additionally, there have been countless minor fixes and improvements included in this release.

Release Notes #885

  • A new display names feature has been released. Now users’ names can include spaces and international characters, like Arabic and Mandarin letters.

Release Notes #870

  • An upgraded search feature on Kialo Edu has been released. Search results are now more intuitive and meaningful for the user, in addition to showing results for discussions or claims which have been visited in the past.
  • QR codes have been added and can now be generated for discussion and team invite links.
  • Additionally, minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #862

  • The Anonymous Participation feature has been released. This feature allows educators to anonymize discussions so that participant’s identities are instead given a placeholder name, while the true identity/user can still be seen by the educator.

    For more details on this new feature, please visit our Help Center article regarding Anonymous Discussions.

Release Notes #860

  • The profile preview has been revised as part of a larger coming change in how names/profiles are displayed on Kialo. Additionally, compatibility with touch devices has also been introduced to the profile preview with this release.

Release Notes #857

  • The Create Discussion Wizard has been restructured to make the discussion creation process simpler and allow advanced users to skip steps they know aren’t relevant to the discussion being created.
  • Additionally, there have been some minor styling changes and improvements that have been released.

Release Notes #852

  • Discussion and team invitations have been reworked to include a reason on the alert card shown in the Overview and Respond tabs and not just in the email invite, adding context to the invitations on Kialo directly.

Release Notes #851

  • With the latest release, we have updated the colorset for Kialo to make it more accessible and comply with WCAG 2.1 level AA guidelines. This means that readability has been improved site-wide and all elements have sufficient contrast, meeting industry standards.
  • Additionally, more variations for default avatars have been introduced.

Release Notes #844

  • A new version of the mention picker (when opened either through the context menu or using ‘@’) has been released which fixes stylistic issues with long comments or when using a mobile device.
  • An issue which caused an incorrect error message to sometimes be displayed when using the OAuth signup form has been fixed.

Release Notes #836

  • An improvement has been made to the team invite wizard, providing an overview of teams/accounts that have been selected for an invitation.
  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.