New Features

A log of all new feature releases.

Release Notes #784

  • All dialogs have been redesigned and their design and button placement has been made more consistent across the whole site.

Release Notes #783

  • Discussion contents and chat comments now support displaying right-to-left text. 
  • Screen reader compatibility has been improved.

Release Notes #782

  • Discussions and the discussion info popup can now be properly printed.

Release Notes #780

  • Discussions can now be cloned from their settings page.
  • Emails from Kialo are now localised into German, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

Release Notes #766

  • Cloning of private discussions no longer requires admin access to the discussion.

Release Notes #747

  • Kialo is now available in Portuguese.

Release Notes #741

  • New versions of Kialo will from now on be deployed without interrupting users for a couple of minutes while the sites are being updated.

Release Notes #739

  • Kialo is now available in French.

Release Notes #732

  • All Claim elements have received a facelift and now have a new, friendlier look.

Release Notes #723

  • Add quotes to external links to specify the relevant part of the source.
  • Screen reader compatibility has been improved.

Release Notes #710

  • Discussion and Team Statistics can now be exported as CSV files.
  • Improved the visualization of external links in claims.
  • Improved the Spanish and German translations and started the translations to French and Portuguese.

Release Notes #705

  • A new vote-count indicator has been added below the impact bar.

Release Notes #702

  • Kialo is now available in German
  • Pressing R will mark the selected argument and its children as seen.

Release Notes #701

  • A toast will be shown if Kialo supports a language that matches your locale.
  • For those with problems embedding Kialo, an alternative means of embedding is suggested.

Release Notes #694

  • Kialo is now available in Spanish.
  • The styling of choice impact has been improved.

Release Notes #660

  • Team Statistics have been released. They display individual team member statistics for each team discussion.

Release Notes #652

  • Users will now see a notification toast when discussion and team invite emails to existing Kialo users cannot be delivered.
  • Immediate email notifications will not be sent to users anymore, when they are online and viewing the discussion.
  • The Claim editor will now always be focused when adding a new claim.
  • Sometimes the mention picker displayed individual accounts more than once, this has been fixed.
  • Clicking outside of the details drawer of a claim would collapse the drawer and scroll to the top of the discussion, this has been fixed.

Release Notes #646

  • The permissions that Discussion Access Links grant, can now be specified.

Release Notes #645

  • Users will now see a notification toast when discussion and team invite emails cannot be delivered.
  • The term “edu” has been added to Kialo Edu’s topbar, so that the two sites, Kialo and Kialo Edu, can be more easily distinguished.

Release Notes #642

  • Contributors that have not been explicitly invited to a discussion can now be mentioned in comments and chat.
  • Discussion and team email invites that could not be delivered will now have a warning indicator and explanatory message.