New Features

A log of all new feature releases.

Release Notes #640

  • Discussion invites for teams will now have warning indicators, if any invite emails could not be delivered.

Release Notes #638

  • Discussion and team invites sent via email will now have a warning indicator if they could not be delivered.
  • The Activity Sidebar can now also display claims a user has and has not voted on.

Release Notes #635

  • The Top Contributor list now contains a column with the amount of claims users voted on in a discussion.

Release Notes #634

  • Users visiting Kialo with an outdated browser will be shown a warning toast.

Release Notes #633

  • Users can now change their usernames once on Kialo Edu.
  • Activities in private discussion will no longer be shown in user profile timelines.

Release Notes #630

  • The search input will now stick to the top of the Search Sidebar while scrolling.
  • Team names no longer have to be unique.

Release Notes #629

  • Kialo will now detect blocked websocket connections and will provide a helpful error message.
  • Teacher Feedback length has been increased to 3000 characters on Kialo Edu.

Release Notes #628

  • Two-factor authentication has been added to all Kialo sites.
  • The comment and chat text input field lost focus when mentioning somebody using the mention picker, this has been fixed.

Release Notes #627

  • The Team Allocation Link functionality has been released for Kialo Edu. Team Allocation Links are the easiest method to allocate students to multiple evenly-sized teams and are particularly useful when setting up Kialo for large groups of students.
  • An issue causing the perspective selector to become unresponsive has been fixed.
  • An issue where linked claims wouldn’t load after their source claim was deleted has been fixed.

Release Notes #620

  • The concept of organizations has been introduced for Kialo Edu. Users become part of an organization if their associated email addresses match domains the organization is authorized to manage. Organizations are very useful for schools, school districts and universities that want to view and manage their students’ data themselves.
  • Users’ timelines can be viewed without logging in.
  • When using the Clone and Invite Wizard, you can choose to not send email notifications.

Release Notes #607

  • The Cloning and Invitation Wizard (CIW) on Kialo-Edu has been upgraded. It now allows educators to invite each member of a team to their own clone of a discussion.
  • Private discussions can be shared via Discussion Access Links which allow readers to access them without having to create Kialo accounts.

Release Notes #606

  • The behaviour of pressing Enter when entering text can be changed in user settings.

Release Notes #604

  • The visibility of votes can be changed in the discussion settings.
  • The comment drawer has been redesigned.
  • Sidebars can now be expanded.

Release Notes #603

  • A color theme optimized for red-green colorblindness can now be enabled in user settings.

Release Notes #602

  • The sum of activities/claims is now shown in the discussion activity tab. 
  • Some minor styling issues have been fixed.
  • An issue with links in invite emails was fixed.

Release Notes #597

  • Lighter colors used throughout Kialo.
  • Screen reader compatibility has been improved.

Release Notes #592

  • Teacher to student feedback has been released on Kialo Edu.
    When enabled, teachers can give students feedback underneath individual claims. Feedback can be configured to be visible for admins, the claim creators or everybody.

Release Notes #590

  • The activity list can now be configured to only show created, linked and moved claims, instead of all activity, for all or individual participants. This is particularly useful for grading and teacher to student feedback.

Release Notes #589

  • Users who prefer working without animations can now switch them off in their user settings.

Release Notes #587

  • Embedded Kialo discussions now have a full screen mode.