
Kialo’s comprehensive release history.

Release Notes #589

  • Users who prefer working without animations can now switch them off in their user settings.

Release Notes #588

  • A couple of usability improvements have been released.

Release Notes #587

  • Embedded Kialo discussions now have a full screen mode.

Release Notes #586

  • Team members lists can now also be searched by typing usernames in the invite field, just like discussion members lists.
  • Clones of debates will not copy “My Activities” from the source debate anymore.
  • Unarchiving a discussion will not automatically load it anymore.

Release Notes #585

  • When “Display claims’ authors” is enabled, a linked claim will now also note the user that linked the claim, additionally to the claim’s creator.
  • Introduced visual feedback for claim selection.
  • Improved the text layout of changes in the sidebar and comments & history tab of claims.

Release Notes #584

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #583

  • Mobile screen reader compatibility has been improved.
  • Some minor text padding issues have been fixed.

Release Notes #582

  • The context menu of discussion cards in My Kialo and in’s general portal has been redesigned and made easier to use.
  • The search text entry field in discussions has been rearranged, resulting in more search results being visible for mobile device users.
  • Some minor accessibility issues have been resolved.
  • The “My Activities” list is now empty in new extracted discussions.

Release Notes #581

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #580

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #576

  • Major improvements regarding phone accessibility were deployed.
  • Users suggesting claims were not able to edit their comments on their suggested claims, this has been changed

Release Notes #575

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #574

  • Mobile screen reader support has been improved.
  • A very rare situation, reloading a discussion as a writer while entering a claim, resulted in the discussion change list never finishing loading. This has been fixed.
  • Some minor discussion activity list issues were resolved.
  • The legibility of some informational text has been improved by using darker font colors.

Release Notes #573

  • Email-less signups have been released for Kialo Edu.
    This feature has been built for teachers who don’t want their students to use their email addresses to sign up.
  • Very quickly clicking add claim multiple times could lead to multiple write claim boxes being opened, this has been fixed.
  • Teams are now sorted by long not short names.
  • The scroll position in the discussion activity list was not always remembered correctly, this has been fixed.

Release Notes #571

  • The discussion activity list now allows users to filter for individual discussion participants’ activities.
  • Important user setting changes now require users to enter their passwords.

Release Notes #570

  • Minor quirks of the drag and drop functionality have been fixed.

Release Notes #569

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #568

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #567

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #566

  • Unarchived claim change notifications were sometimes not acknowledged, this has been fixed.
  • Some notifications were not considered seen while using screen readers, this has been fixed.