
Kialo’s comprehensive release history.

Release Notes #565

  • The “fewer than x votes” indicator has been removed, it didn’t make sense for most use cases.
  • Some minor UI clean ups.

Release Notes #564

  • Fixed some minor usability, editor and accessibility issues.

Release Notes #563

  • Already invited team members received additional invites when team admins mistakenly invited them multiple times. This has been fixed.
  • Adding links will not anymore cause the claim text editor to expand, unless required.
  • Multiple minor fixes and improvements.

Release Notes #562

  • Newline characters in team descriptions were not correctly handled, this has been fixed.
  • Screen reader compatibility has been improved.

Release Notes #561

  • The visualisation of claims’ text changes has been improved.
  • Toasts’ complete content is now always shown on mobile devices, instead of only after tapping them.
  • A couple of old minor and aesthetic issues have been resolved.

Release Notes #560

  • The discussion activity sidebar, which chronologically lists all visible contributions that have occurred in a discussion, has been released.
  • The option to display usernames of claim creators on their respective claims, in a private discussion, has been released.
  • Screen reader compatibility of the Top Contributors table has been improved.
  • In some browser the claim edit text field did not have focus upon selecting “edit claim”, this has been fixed.

Release Notes #559

  • Scroll positions in the discussion changes sidebar were not always reliably remembered, this has been fixed.
  • Screen reader compatibility has been improved.

Release Notes #558

  • Statistics for each discussion are now shown in the portal and the discussion info dialog.
  • Selecting a claim for the clipboard from the duplicate claim list did not always work, this has been fixed.
  • The share dialog did not always show the share on Twitter and Facebook buttons, this has been fixed.

Release Notes #557

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #556

  • Improved accessibility localization capabilities.
  • The entered email address will now be remembered when switching between Log In and Sign Up dialogs.

Release Notes #555

  • The scroll location of the discussion changes sidebar was not always correctly remembered on Android devices, this has been fixed.

Release Notes #554

  • In preparation for allowing signing up to without providing an email address, it is now possible to also log in using your username instead of your email address.
  • Button sizes and layout for the mobile top and bottom bar have been improved.
  • Fixed some minor navigation and layouting issues.

Release Notes #553

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #552

  • Using search “marked for review” claims and selecting a specific linked location of a multi-linked claim, sometimes resulted in the wrong linked location of a claim being selected for moving/linking. This has been fixed.

Release Notes #551

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #550

  • The scroll position in the discussion changes sidebar is now remembered when closing and opening it.
  • Flagging claims that have been copied from another discussion, will now result in the user that copied the claim receiving the notification for a flagged claim, not the original creator.
  • Location-specific changes, like the “Move Elsewhere” mark for review change, of multi-linked claims will now link to the correct locations.

Release Notes #548

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.

Release Notes #547

  • Acknowledging a ‘claim was deleted’ notification made the deleted claim disappear, instead of still being shown until a user navigates a level up or down. This has been fixed.
  • The team members invite dialog wrongly displayed a role selection dropdown, this has been corrected.

Release Notes #545

  • The Cloning and Invitation Wizard (CIW) has been released on Kialo-Edu. It allows educators to invite users and teams to their own respective clones of a debate. This feature will make the lives of educators with large courses, especially when split into multiple teams, much easier. Please contact support to have it enabled for your account.
  • Trailing parenthesis in URLs of links added to claims, were sometimes not saved correctly. This has been fixed.

Release Notes #544

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements were released.